LCMS International Mission
War in Ukraine
Offering prayers and support for displaced Ukrainians
As the situation in Ukraine continues, the church prays for peace and for those in harm’s way. We also strive to provide for those affected.
The Office of International Mission of The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod is working with several Lutheran church bodies and missionaries in Europe to help our brothers and sisters in Christ in the Evangelical Lutheran Church of Ukraine, Lutheran refugees and others affected by the violence.
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Interested in sponsoring a Ukrainian refugee in the U.S.?

Grants are available to support the efforts of LCMS congregations, districts and Recognized Service Organizations caring for Ukrainians who are temporarily seeking refuge in the U.S.
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Want to support displaced Ukrainians in Europe?
These gifts to the LCMS, including to Mission Central, are restricted to providing aid and assistance to persons displaced by the war in Ukraine.
The LCMS will issue grants to/through our Lutheran partners in the region who are best positioned to provide compassionate care in Christ’s name to those fleeing the conflict.
The situation is ongoing, and we pledge to use every gift wisely to accomplish the greatest good possible in ways that deliver the Gospel as human needs are met.
Send the message LCMSUKRAINE to 41-444 from your mobile phone to give through LCMS Mission Advancement.

The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod
P.O. Box 66861
St. Louis, MO 63166-6861
Mission Central
40718 Highway E 16
Mapleton, IA 51034
Please write “Help for Displaced Ukrainians” in memo line.