National Mission
Because God's mission is right where you are.
In the Great Commission, Jesus instructs His disciples to “go therefore and make disciples of all nations” (Matt. 28:19). But we don’t have to travel around the world to find people who need to hear the Gospel. God’s mission is all around us, and we have many opportunities to share the Good News of Jesus Christ with the neighbors He has placed in our communities.
In this effort, LCMS National Mission’s goal is to provide support, programs and resources to serve LCMS congregations and schools, partner with LCMS districts, and ultimately make disciples for life.
Programs and Resources:
Church Planting, Renewal and Support
Congregations and Districts
Human Care and Ministerial Support
Stay Connected
As you serve in the mission field where God has placed you, take a moment to get ideas and encouragement from your brothers and sisters in Christ who are serving in other locations across North America.
National Mission Stories
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Giving Opportunities
Make a secure online donation using a major credit or debit card.
To offer support using a credit/debit card, please call LCMS Donor Care toll-free:
To offer support via personal or organizational check, please make payable to The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod. Designate National Mission on the memo line.
Mail to:
The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod
Mission Advancement
P.O. Box 66861
St. Louis, MO 63166-6861
To learn how you can champion our Synod’s National Mission efforts
as part of your personal or organizational philanthropy, contact:
Create a legacy with estate or gift planning
Contact LCMS National Mission

Rev. Dan Galchutt
Executive Director, LCMS National Mission
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