Bibe Study Convention 2023

Frequently Asked Questions

LCMS National Convention   •   July 29–Aug. 3, 2023   •   Milwaukee

In preparation for the 68th Regular Convention of The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod, which will be held July 29–Aug. 3, 2023, at the Baird Center in Milwaukee, the LCMS provides answers to Frequently Answered Questions.

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Why is this the “68th Regular Convention” if the LCMS has existed since 1847?

The Synod met annually during its first eight years (1847–1854). Since then, except for when the church convened every two years from 1965 to 1983, the Synod has met triennially.




Can anyone attend the convention?

Yes. The convention is open to the public, and public seating will be available in the hall behind the convention delegates. Large screens will be available to view convention proceedings.

Guests may visit exhibitors in the Exhibit Hall, attend opening worship, and enjoy the many evening events. There is no fee for visitors or guests.




Do I need to register for the convention?

Visitors and guests do not need to register for the convention. Registration is needed only if you have an official convention role (delegate or representative) or responsibility. If you have any questions about registration, you can email




How do I request a media/press pass for the LCMS convention?

If you are a member of a news agency you can request a press pass by completing our online request form.




I can’t come to Milwaukee. Can I watch the convention online?

Yes. Convention proceedings will be livestreamed from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. daily at

Results of convention elections will be published at as they are available.

Status of resolutions presented and action taken will be updated frequently throughout each day at




Where can I make a hotel reservation?

Individuals attending the convention in an official convention role should receive a letter providing housing instructions and information. Individuals directed to make their own housing arrangements, exhibitors or any other visitor can contact area hotels after May 15 to make their own hotel reservations. It is recommended to make reservations as soon as possible.

A list of downtown Milwaukee hotels is available at

Select these tabs:

  • Plan A Visit >
  • Places To Stay >
  • Downtown Hotels




Is there an airport shuttle to/from my hotel?

Information regarding airport transportation will be made available soon.




What should I bring to the convention?

If you are a delegate or representative, please bring all the convention publications you received, including the Convention Workbook, Biographical Synopses and the first issue of Today’s Business. Delegates and representatives will refer to these books while considering the business presented to the assembly for action.

It is strongly recommended to dress for air conditioning — bring a shawl or jacket with you so you are comfortable in the convention hall and meeting rooms, as these spaces will be cooler.

Attendees may also want to bring a Bible, pen, paper, walking shoes, umbrella, sunglasses or hat. You can bring your tablet or laptop. However, know there are limitations on Wi-Fi access in the convention hall. Depending on your convention role, your cell phone, tablet or laptop may have to be set so electronic communications are disabled (airplane mode).




Where do I go when I arrive?

Convention delegates and representatives are asked to please visit the registration desk as soon as possible after checking into their hotel rooms.

The registration desk will be in the Baird Center, 2nd floor.




When does convention registration open?

The registration desk will be in the Baird Center. The desk will be open at the following times:

  • Friday, July 28 — 1 p.m. to 4 p.m.
  • Saturday, July 29 — 8 a.m. to 7:30 p.m.
  • Sunday, July 30 — 7 a.m. to 6 p.m.
  • Monday, July 31 — 8 a.m. to 6 p.m.
  • Tuesday, Aug. 1 — 8 a.m. to 6 p.m.
  • Wednesday, Aug. 2 — 8 a.m. to 6 p.m.
  • Thursday, Aug. 3 — 8 a.m. to noon




What is the convention schedule?

The tentative convention schedule is available on It is considered tentative because one of the first items of business will be to review and adopt the convention schedule.




What will be the primary business during the convention?

Attendees may review the Convention Workbook on

Attendees may also review the first issue of Today’s Business to learn about the issues scheduled to be addressed. It will be available at

The convention agenda can be divided into three parts:

  • The first part is the “opportunity for worship, nurture, inspiration, fellowship and the communication of vital information” (Bylaw 3.1.1).
  • The second item of business is elections. When the time comes, the Committee for Convention Nominations will present its report, Biographical Synopses and Statements of Nominees, to share the results of the nominations process, including the slates of candidates for the offices and other positions to be filled by elections.
  • The third agenda item is for the assembly to consider reports, overtures and resolutions for action. This material can be found in the Convention Workbook and the first issue of Today’s Business.




May I get a copy of the Today’s Business and the Convention Workbook?

The Convention Workbook and Biographical Synopses are now available online at The first issue of Today’s Business will be available online shortly after June 12, 2023.

All voting and advisory delegates and advisory representatives will be mailed the Convention Workbook, Biographical Synopses and the first issue of Today’s Business.

Additional copies of the Convention Workbook and Biographical Synopses and the first issue of Today’s Business may be purchased from Concordia Publishing House.

The daily issues of Today’s Business will be posted online, and each issue will be distributed to the delegates and representatives in the convention hall beginning at 7 a.m. A limited number of daily issues will be available for visitors attending the convention.

Each Today’s Business issue will include the daily schedule, substitute or revised resolutions, minutes of the prior day’s session, wording for proposed amendments, and other official announcements and information.




What happens at the Floor Committee Open Hearings on Saturday morning?

Each floor committee will be scheduled to hold an open session hearing to receive comments, questions and suggestions from attendees regarding any of the resolutions as they appear in the first issue of Today’s Business or overtures in the Convention Workbook.

Anyone can attend an open hearing to offer comments or suggestions or ask questions of the committee. A schedule of locations and times for floor committee open hearings will be provided later.




What material will be covered at Delegate Orientation on Saturday?

All convention delegates and representatives are expected to attend Delegate Orientation from 1:30 p.m. to 3 p.m. on Saturday, July 29, in the Baird Center (3rd floor, Hall AB).

The Delegate Orientation will review parliamentarian procedures, voting and microphone queue devices, microphone protocol, and highlights and instructions for the week.




What is planned for the Opening Worship Service on Saturday?

Pre-service music is scheduled to begin at 7 p.m. on Saturday, July 29, and a Divine Service with Holy Communion will be held from 7:30 to approximately 9 p.m.

Details of the opening service will be provided when they are finalized. Everyone is invited to attend.

Buses will be stationed in various locations throughout the Milwaukee metropolitan area to accommodate residents of Milwaukee and the surrounding suburbs who desire to attend the Opening Worship Service but do not want to drive and park their own vehicle downtown.




Are meals provided for convention attendees?

On Saturday, July 29, the Delegate Dinner will be held, and all voting and advisory delegates are expected to come. Some advisory representatives are also expected to attend and should already have received their information about attending the Delegate Dinner. All other visitors, exhibitors, and attendees may have dinner at any of the local downtown restaurants.

Beyond the Saturday night Delegate Dinner, attendees are responsible for their own meals. Daily lunch recess will be 90 minutes to allow ample time to visit nearby local restaurants.

Delegates should check with their district president as to whether there are planned meals with their district delegation.




What kind of exhibitors will be at the convention?

Convention exhibitors are scheduled to include Concordia Publishing House, several LCMS Recognized Service Organizations, mission organizations, LCMS colleges and universities, handicrafts and business services.

Exhibitors will be in the Baird Center (3rd floor) during the following hours:

  • Saturday, July 29 — 10 a.m. to 7 p.m.
  • Sunday, July 30 — 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. and 5 p.m to 7 p.m.
  • Monday, July 31 — 10 a.m. to 5 p.m.
  • Tuesday, Aug. 1 — 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.




What is the National Offering, and how does it relate to the convention?

Every three years — in collaboration with the national convention — LCMS households, congregations and organizations are invited and encouraged to participate in a Synodwide thank offering of financial gifts called the National Offering.

The 2023–2026 National Offering is an opportunity for everyone to work together to produce meaningful Lutheran resources in other languages so that all may read, hear and speak the Good News of the Gospel.

Some of the translation work to be supported by the 2023–2026 National Offering will be simple, produced in a brief time frame, while some will require long-term planning and execution. Individuals actively involved in ministry where translations are needed will help identify which resources would be most useful to the communities they serve.

National Offering gifts will be received during the opening service at 7:30 p.m. on Saturday, July 29. Delegates are encouraged to submit their congregation’s National Offering collection envelopes at this time.

National Offering gifts also will be accepted at the LCMS booth in the Exhibit Hall during the convention. Please be sure all National Offering gifts are given prior to the close of the Exhibit Hall at 2 p.m. Tuesday, Aug. 1. Gifts to the National Offering will be accepted through 2026.

To learn more about the National Offering, obtain instructions for sending in gifts, or print bulletin inserts and prayers, go to




How can my family or congregation participate in the National Offering?

LCMS congregations and clergy may download special bulletin inserts and informational resources to help promote the 2023–2026 National Offering. Individual households and congregations wishing to make a National Offering gift can do so in several ways:

  • Phone: 888-930-4438 (credit or debit card)
  • Mail: Make congregation or personal checks payable to “The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod” and write “2023–2026 LCMS National Offering” in the memo line. Send to:

    The Lutheran Church–Missouri Synod
    2023–2026 LCMS National Offering
    P.O. Box 66861
    St. Louis, MO 63166-6861

If you would like to contribute in any other way (using IRAs, donor advised funds and family foundations, appreciated securities, real property or other assets), please contact Kate Ellis, Coordinator, Gift Planning, at or 314-996-1680.

To learn more about the 2023 National Offering, or for answers to other related questions, please call Mission Advancement’s Donor Care Line at 888-930-4438 or email




What are the rules regarding the use of electronic devices in the convention hall?

Use of electronic devices depends on your convention position and role.

For convention delegates, rules regarding the use of electronic devices are part of the Special Standing Rules that will be adopted by the delegates at the beginning of the convention. The Special Standing Rules are on page 17 in the first issue of Today’s Business.

Convention guests, who may sit in the back of the convention hall, are permitted to use electronic devices unobtrusively for internet use and other communications.




What is the dress code for convention events?

Business casual dress is appropriate while attending the convention during the day. Comfortable shoes are suggested. The convention hall will be cool, so please consider bringing a sweater or light jacket or wearing warmer clothing for indoor air conditioning.

Attendees may want to dress differently for various evening activities. Casual clothing is appropriate for evening events.




Will there be internet access in the convention hall?

The Baird Center has complimentary Wi-Fi everywhere throughout the building. When available, it will be listed as “WCD-WiFi” in your device’s network listing.

The complimentary service is best suited for checking email and light web browsing (no streaming), with a speed of about 2 Kbps (upload & download). This service is upgradable at prevailing rates and can be configured throughout the Baird Center campus.




Where can I get lunch each day during recess?

Besides the restaurants in nearby hotels, there are several restaurants in the vicinity of the Baird Center. The 3rd St. Market Hall is a short walking distance from the Baird Center and offers multiple food vendors.

Browse to find restaurants near the Baird Center. Select the tabs:

  • Plan A Visit >
  • Food & Drink >
  • Business Directory >
  • Click Neighborhood > Westown

Watch for upcoming information about hosted lunch opportunities, made available by Concordia Plan Services and LCEF, that you can sign up to attend.




Where can I find a map of downtown Milwaukee?

View and download a map of downtown Milwaukee map from The Baird Center is listed as number 195 on the map.




Is parking available at the Baird Center?

Interstate Parking offers 25% off discounts at multiple parking locations in downtown Milwaukee during the 68th Regular Convention of The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod from July 30 to Aug. 3.

View parking options and discount information.




Is there an emergency contact number to reach convention attendees during business hours?

Yes. The phone number for the Synod convention office at the Baird Center will be provided in the welcome packet given to attendees at the convention registration desk.

If needed, call the LCMS Church Information Center at 888-843-5267, and a representative can contact on-site convention staff.




Where will the Lost and Found be located?

The Lost and Found will be located at the Information Desk near the registration area in the Baird Center (2nd floor).




Will there be a quiet place for prayer in the convention hall?

Yes. The chapel will be in the Baird Center (1st floor, Room 103D). The chapel will open beginning Saturday afternoon, July 29.

The chapel will be closed during daily lunch breaks, when it will be used for private confession and absolution.



How do I submit a prayer request at the convention?

A box will be located in the chapel (Baird Center, 1st floor, Room 103D) to receive prayer requests. Additionally, prayer requests can be sent to Chaplain Daenzer via email at Please indicate on your prayer request whether it is a private or public concern.

We will lift the private concerns to the throne of grace privately in the prayer chapel. Due to the volume of prayer requests received we cannot promise each public prayer will be offered during public worship, but the chaplain will lift each concern in private prayer.

Chaplain Sean Daenzer and Assistant Chaplain Silas Hasselbrook will be present throughout the convention and will personally offer prayer with anyone who desires it.

The prayer chapel is closed during the lunch break each day when it will be used for private confession and absolution.




Will private confession and absolution be available during the convention?

Anyone desiring to receive private absolution may do so during the convention. The prayer chapel, located in Room 103D on the 1st floor of the Baird Center, will be closed to the public during the lunch break on Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday so it may be used for private confession and absolution.

When the chapel door is open, you may simply enter and the pastor on staff will guide you through the service. When the door is closed, please wait outside the chapel until it is opened again. A closed door during the lunch hour indicates the room is occupied and being used for private confession and absolution.



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The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod Inc., including Mission Central (in Mapleton, Iowa), is an IRS registered 501(c)(3) tax-exempt charity.

A contribution designated (restricted) for a specific purpose, when accepted, will be used only to fund expenses related to that purpose. Occasionally, we may receive more in contributions for a particular purpose than can be wisely applied to it in the foreseeable future or the purpose may cease to be feasible. In these situations, the LCMS will make reasonable attempts to contact contributors to apply their contribution toward another aspect of ministry that aligns closely the contributor’s goals and values. If a contributor cannot be contacted, the LCMS will use the gift to meet a similar pressing need that most closely matches the contributor's original intent.

Consistent with Synod Board policy and in recognition of a more challenging economic and philanthropic/fundraising environment due to inflationary pressure, not more than 13.5 percent of any charitable contribution will be allocated to administering gifts and communicating with contributors. Contributions received and accepted by the LCMS are deemed to be in agreement with this statement.

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