Resolution 13-01A
LCMS 2016 National Convention

Resolution 13-01A — To Extol and Equip the Blessed Partnership between the Royal Priesthood and the Office of the Public Ministry
The task force’s final report begins on page 349 in the Convention Workbook.
This resolution calls for a discovery of ways to have ongoing conversation among laity, congregations, districts and the Synod to foster the work of the laity and those called into the Office of the Public Ministry.
This conversation is intended to not only encourage and support congregations and districts in laity training, evangelism and outreach, but also to address the increasing challenges of ministering in this growing multicultural nation.
Resolution Text & Task Force Members
The purpose of this task force is to:
- Consider how best to facilitate an ongoing conversation and communication among laity, districts and the Synod in order to foster the blessed complementary relationship between the royal priesthood and the Office of the Public Ministry.
- Consider:
- the royal priesthood and the Office of the Public Ministry in the New Testament (in light of the many offices that are mentioned, such as deacon, elder and overseer);
- the challenges of an increasingly multicultural North America and a country that has become the third-largest mission field in the world; and
- the growing number of congregations and ministries that cannot provide financial support for a pastor.
The task force is to complete its work and present its recommendations to the Synod in 2018 for consideration at the 2019 convention.
Status Updates
April 17–18, 2018
The task force met in St. Louis and continued preparing the report. A final face-to-face plenary meeting of the task force is scheduled for October 2018 in St. Louis, after which they intend to present their report for publication in the 2019 Convention Workbook.
The target date for completion of the report is Nov. 1, 2018.
Jan. 26, 2018
The drafting committee met and continued work to revise and refine the content and footnotes of the report.
November 2017
The Rev. Larry Vogel presented a report of the task force’s work at the Council of Presidents meeting.
Sept. 5–6, 2017
The task force met via video conference. Members spent time reviewing Res. 13-01A concerning the need for discussion to take place among the Council of Presidents, laity, districts and the Synod regarding the issues outlined in this resolution.
The desired goal of the task force is to encourage conversation to begin and offer suggestions of how to proceed.
The task force members reviewed the tentative draft report, making revisions, changes and adding footnotes. It was agreed that the Rev. Larry Vogel should present task force progress and suggestions at the November 2017 Council of Presidents meeting.
Aug. 25, 2017
The drafting committee met via video conference and continued discussion of the report structure. The drafting committee will develop a five-part response/report on the “blessed partnership” of the royal priesthood and the Office of the Public Ministry.
Part I will be an overview of the royal priesthood, Part II of the office, Part III will summarize the relationship between them, Part IV will look at areas of conflict and concern, and Part V will make recommendations for facilitating further conversation.
The drafting committee’s work continued in an effort to prepare a draft for the next full task force meeting in September.
April 19–20, 2017
The first meeting of the task force was held April 19–20, 2017. Task force members met via video conference and discussed the items to address as outlined in the resolution.
While the resolution is not specific, the task force noted it does emphasize the need to continue the dialogue about how those in the Office of the Public Ministry and the royal priesthood work together.
Discussion continued on the roles of both the royal priesthood and the Office of the Public Ministry. Suggestions were made to take an overall strengths perspective approach, emphasize the blessings we have and not where there is disagreement, and consider the age groups and audiences that need to be in conversation.
A drafting committee was appointed and charged to meet and develop a basic outline for a draft report prior to the task force’s scheduled September 2017 meeting. The drafting committee’s work will continue between meetings.