Lent Resources

Lent Worship Resources

Worship Ministry   •   The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod

Lenten resources for LCMS pastors and congregations as they prepare to observe this penitential season and reach out to their communities with the Gospel in preparation for Easter.


Lent, Holy Week and Easter media kit — Christ’s Passion

This Lent and Easter season, as we prepare to remember Christ’s death and resurrection on the cross, it is a great time to invite your friends, family and neighbors to join you in church.

We are pleased to present a new media kit, with the theme “Christ’s Passion,” for you and your congregation to use in reaching out to your community this Lent and Easter season.

The free, downloadable resources are designed to allow each parish to add its own information and details about Lent and Easter services.

View Christ’s Passion media kit

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Suggestions for 2025 midweek Lenten services

LCMS Worship offers suggestions for Lenten Midweek services based on the theme of the Passion of our Lord Jesus Christ according to St. Luke.

This series covers five midweek services during the season of Lent. Over the course of these five services, the entire Passion account from St. Luke’s Gospel will be read. The sermon starter ideas cannot possibly cover every detail of the Passion, but they instead focus on key aspects of our Lord’s Passion.

The series will also utilize six psalms that the Jews have traditionally associated with Passover (Psalms 113–118). The Christian Church joyfully confesses that Christ is the fulfillment of all the Old Testament types and figures, and so these psalms are entirely fitting to be prayed in connection with the sacrificial death of Christ, our Passover Lamb (1 Cor. 5:7).

The unique services of the Lenten season — Ash Wednesday, Maundy Thursday and Good Friday — are not part of this series, as the themes and readings for those days stand alone and carry their own weight.


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Children’s coloring book for Easter Vigil

LCMS Worship — Children's Coloring Book for the Easter Vigil — God's Story of SalvationLCMS Worship is pleased to offer a children’s coloring book to help your children follow along at the Easter Vigil. This special Divine Service — which includes fire, movement, stories, music, special decorations and dynamic lighting — is an ideal learning environment for children, who learn by seeing, hearing, touching and doing.

The beautiful coloring pages will also engage your child in the service both physically and visually. You can download and print the entire coloring book as a PDF. Each coloring page is also available as a separate PDF.

Download and print coloring book



Downloadable Church Art

Church art collectionThe Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod offers these photographs in service to the Gospel of Jesus Christ. We encourage our congregations and schools to use these photographs to that end.

These photographs remain the intellectual property of The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod and may not be used to fundraise or sell products.

To credit these photographs, please use: "Photo courtesy of The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod."

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Lent resources from Concordia Publishing House

Promised Treasures Promised Treasures, the 2023 Lenten series from Concordia Publishing House, is a downloadable resource with fully customizable resources for the pastor and musician, designed to lead the Christian congregation through the season of Lent in preparation for the Easter celebration.

The series includes coordinated Daily Devotion booklets and standard-size bulletin covers that may be used to enrich the worship of those congregations using this series.

More CPH resources


Lent resources from LCMS seminaries

Concordia Seminary, St. Louis

Concordia Theological Seminary, Fort Wayne, Ind.

  • Lenten Devotional — Saints of the Passion
    The Augsburg Confession says, “the memory of saints may be set before us, that we may follow their faith and good works” (AC XXI). This devotion is organized by the CTSFW students to do exactly that by following two saints each week through these next 40 days of Lent. Each week’s lesson will be about two saints of the passion — those who, in some way, participated in the passion of our Lord.


Lent resources from Lutheran Hour Ministries

  • The Marks of Love — Lenten Devotions
    Following the narrative of Mark’s Gospel, The Marks of Love explores the life and ministry of Jesus. The tragedy of Golgotha is met with the triumph of the resurrection on Easter morning. Along the way, we learn of Jesus’ deep compassion for those He loved and served, including those who put Him to death.

LCMS Worship

The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod’s Worship Ministry is devoted to providing resources for worship. Reproduction for individual, church or school use does not require permission.

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