Family Ministry

Family Ministry

Supporting Christ-centered homes

LCMS Family Ministry supports the Christian estate of the home with resources and programming to assist families in their calling to pass down the faith to the next generation, equip them to nurture the spiritual formation of their children, and embolden them to be Christ-bearers to the culture at large and to their local communities.

Martin Luther identified the family as one of three holy “estates” (alongside the church and government) that God instituted to care for His people. God gives us the good gift of family and so highly esteems it that He uses it as the primary building block for His kingdom. We are all born into a biological family, but as baptized believers we are also brought into the family of God. Therefore, all people — whether young or old, single or married, widowed or barren — are placed within a family and entrusted with vocations (Psalm 68:5–6).

The role of the family is to share the faith with the next generation (Deut. 6:6–12) and to recount His plan of salvation to young and old (Psalm 145:4–7). Parents are entrusted with the ultimate responsibility of teaching the faith and catechizing their children. All other estates and vocations are in service to this holy training ground that is the family.

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  • LCMS Family Ministry carries out this mission by:

    • Developing multi-media resources that support and guide families toward ongoing discipleship and lifelong catechesis;
    • Providing education regarding God’s good design for the family and programming to support all family vocations (fathers, mothers, children, siblings and grandparents); and
    • Collaborating with LCMS School Ministry, Youth Ministry, districts and Recognized Service Organizations to create resources for congregations that respond to societal pressures and other challenges for the family (such as divorce, blended families, single parenting, technology, sexual orientation and gender identity).


Featured Resources

Supporting Foster Families Guide

Supporting Foster Families

This guide provides a basic overview of the foster care system and the process of becoming foster parents. Foster families can use this form to list their needs for their foster children. Once filled out, it can be circulated amongst congregation members so they can provide creative yet personalized support for families who are fostering in their midst.

Family Ministry | The Family Altar

The Family Altar

God comes to us through His Word and Sacraments during worship at church, and then the family’s devotional life at home keeps its members connected to those gifts all week long. This routine creates a lifelong rhythm that helps keep kids in the faith throughout all stages of their lives.

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Catechism Memory Cards

Catechism Memory Cards

Use these memory cards as you help your children learn Scripture and Luther’s Small Catechism.

Friends for Life Season 3

Friends for Life Podcast - Season 3

What is God’s plan for families? How does Jesus broaden our definition of family? What does the Christian life look like for mothers, fathers, singles, young people and elders? Listen to this podcast to learn more.

LCMS Family Devotions Calendar - Download this customizable family devotions calendar to help your family pray and learn God’s Word.

Family Devotion Calendar

Download this customizable family devotion calendar to help your family pray and learn God’s Word.

Table conversation cards

Mealtime Conversation

Foster good conversations with your family at the dinner table with these new conversation starter cards, created by LCMS Family Ministry.

Encouraging families toward lifelong
catechesis and Christian discipleship


Parents: A Pillar of Education

Wondering where to start? Here are some resources to aid you in supporting your children’s education from within the home.


Marriage, Life and Family: Reflecting the Holy Trinity

The Holy Trinity (Father, Son, and Holy Spirit) created and gave gifts reflecting Himself, especially the gifts of marriage, life, and family. As the Holy Trinity is the unity of three, so also marriage, life, and family form a unity of three that echoes the reality of God. This is our starting point.


A New Look at Family Devotions

Do you struggle over family devotions? Maybe some new ideas will help. The goal is to have fun while learning about and sharing God’s love. After all, “A cheerful look brings joy to the heart, and good news gives health to the bones” (Prov. 15:30).


Your Family Vocation

Every Christian — indeed, every human being — has been called by God into a family. Our very existence came about by our parents. Martin Luther said, “God has given this walk of life, fatherhood and motherhood, a special position of honor, higher than that of any other walk of life under it.”


Getting It Together with Your Family

Families need to be prepared and equipped for the high points and struggles of daily life, as well as the times of crisis. By making a commitment to one another to keep Christ at the center, your family will be better able to weather the storms life may bring.

Equipping families to thrive according to God’s design



The following resources provide a Biblical understanding of God’s gift of marriage between a man and woman. Learn more about the value and joy of marriage, why it is special, and how Christ serves others through it.


The following resources are offered to address a variety of issues, including human sexuality, marriage, cohabitation and abstinence. Find out what God’s Word teaches us about these important topics that are relevant to our society today.

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Andrew Becker - Manager of Family Discipleship

Andy Becker
Manager of Family Discipleship


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Ministry Overview

LCMS Family Ministry supports Christian homes as they nurture their children in the faith and show Christ to their communities.

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How to Help

The LCMS Office of National Mission works within the borders of the United States to support the programs and resources available to congregations, districts, schools, Recognized Service Organizations and other Lutheran organizations.

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