Resolution 7-02B
LCMS 2016 National Convention

Resolution 7-02B — To Preserve Concordia Colleges and Universities as Institutions of the Church and Strengthen Their Structural Bonds with Synod
The task force’s final report begins on page 343 in the Convention Workbook.
The 2013 convention adopted Res. 5-01A:
- to establish a task force to study and report on the issues of confessional Lutheran identity in all Concordia University System (CUS) institutions;
- to strengthen all CUS institutions’ connection to the Syond; to review the composition, size and selection of their boards of regents;
- to review Bylaw; and
- to review the governance structures of the CUS institutions.
This task force developed a series of Lutheran Identity Standards for CUS institutions, which were endorsed unanimously by the CUS presidents.
While great work was accomplished through the adoption of these standards, the task force recognized that more study was necessary and called for the 2016 convention to authorize the continuation of its work through the Res. 7-02B task force.
Resolution Text & Task Force Members
The purpose of this task force is to:
- Strengthen all CUS institutions’ connection to the Synod;
- Review the composition, size and selection of their boards of regents;
- Review their governance structures; and
- Review the process for selecting presidents of institutions.
The task force’s report was due by Dec. 31, 2018; however, the president of the Synod gave the task force an extension to complete its work and obtain proper consultation. The report will be provided to the CUS institutions for review and comment for a period of at least six months.
The task force will issue its final report — responding to any comments from the CUS institutions on the initial draft — to the 2019 convention.
The task force’s final report will be included in the 2019 Convention Workbook.
Status Update
The Resolution 7-02B task force met in December 2016 and August 2017. Discussion continued on several topics related to CUS structure and governance.
Following the meeting, potential bylaw changes were evaluated and potential language proposed by several task force members working in consultation with the secretary of the Synod. A drafting committee of the task force met in December 2017 to consider those proposed bylaw revisions.
The drafting committee proposed several additional revisions. Those revisions are currently being considered and reviewed in consultation with the secretary of the Synod and legal counsel.
During a mid-March strategic planning meeting, the CUS presidents discussed the matter. The task force drafting committee continues its work to prepare a report for review by the CUS presidents (as required in the resolution) and presentation to the 2019 convention.