Resolution 11-10
LCMS 2016 National Convention

Resolution 11-10 — To Authorize Review of Synod Nominations/Elections Processes
The task force’s final report begins on page 348 in the Convention Workbook.
Bylaw 3.12, “Nominations and Elections,” deals with the nomination and election of the president of the Synod, the first vice-president, the regional vice-presidents, regional positions for the LCMS Board of Directors and mission boards, and the duties of the Committee for Convention Nominations and the Committee on Elections.
Over the last decade, Bylaw 3.12 has undergone many changes, including the introduction of the presidential election prior to convention, nominations and elections processes for regional board member positions, and a process to assess skills for those individuals nominated to the Concordia University System board of regents and board of directors.
While these changes have been well intended and added strength to the process and confidence in those elected, a thorough review of the nominations and elections processes, as well as the expectations of Bylaw 3.12, was desired.
Resolution Text & Task Force Members
The purpose of this task force is to:
- Review the existing nominations bylaw procedures in the interest of combining them into a comprehensive process with appropriate time frames to facilitate convention preparations; and
- Review the procedures and expectations of Bylaw 3.12 and all related bylaws.
The task force’s report is to be made public by July 20, 2018 (at least one year prior to the 2019 convention). The task force will receive input and submit its final report with proposed bylaw changes in time for inclusion in the 2019 Convention Workbook.
Status Update
March 29, 2017
At the first meeting of the task force, members reviewed the four Synod convention nominations processes:
- (a) for non-regional boards and commissions and the secretary of the Synod,
- (b) for the president and first vice-president of the Synod,
- (c) for regional vice-presidents, and
- (d) for regional board members.
Also discussed was the recently added expectation that the qualifications of Concordia University System (CUS) Board of Directors and CUS school board of regents members be reviewed by parties designated, and that all those nominated for Synod boards and commissions be screened for their qualification for CUS director or regent positions.
Lengthy discussion identified various items needing clarification, important aspects to consider and the impact of possible changes.
The Rev. Dr. John Sias reviewed the timeline and procedures already being planned for the 2019 convention and the work begun by his office and the Department of Rosters, Statistics and Research Services.
Revision of the presidential election voter registration process is underway, forms and processes are being updated, and a nominations process management database is being developed to manage nomination-related communication.
The consensus of the task force was to allow the Office of the Secretary, with assistance from the Department of Rosters, Statistics and Research Services, to continue to develop detailed plans for the 2019 convention with an eye toward timeline and process-related bylaw changes that might aid future conventions.
The next meeting will occur sometime in spring or summer 2018.