Mission Senders
The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod • Mission Advancement
A Network of Families and Individuals Committed to Funding Our Missionaries

The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod’s career and GEO missionaries (globally engaged in outreach missionaries serving one- to two-year terms) serve in diverse settings around the world. They have the opportunity to walk and live among the people they are serving, just as Christ did.
These missionaries serve in many roles, such as theological educators, mission strategists, English-as-a-Foreign-Language (EFL) teachers, relationship builders, medical workers, construction workers and agricultural specialists.
But, before they can leave for their field of service, they must raise support for their mission service. Service costs can include airfare, visas, insurance and housing and living expenses.
By praying for and encouraging these missionaries, as well as providing regular or special gifts, you help send career and GEO missionaries to their fields of service. You share in spreading the Gospel message. You become a mission SENDER!
For more information on Mission Senders, download the program’s informational brochure.
Download brochure
Missionary Prayer Cards
Search our missionary prayer card database to learn more about their ministries, pray for them and give financial support.
How to Join
While online enrollment and commitment renewal is still forthcoming, please contact Michelle Beckmann with your giving preferences and questions.
Michelle Beckmann
800-248-1930, ext. 1047
Why should I become a Mission Sender?
In addition to providing a solid foundation of support for The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod, Senders membership provides you with:
- Personal attention from program administrator
- The option of customizing your payment method and schedule
- Reduction in gift solicitation letters from The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod
- Consolidated year-end statements for donors who prefer to give each month
Personalized Commitment
Mission Senders have many options when it comes to making gifts. Start by selecting your level of giving, decide when you would like to give and, finally, choose the method of payment that best suits your giving. Options include:
Payment Schedules
- Monthly
- Quarterly
- Semi-annual
- Annual
Methods of Payment
- Automatic charge to a credit card
American Express
- Automatic withdrawal from a checking account (available only to monthly contributors)
- Checks
- Transfers of stock